I met Meghann at the Brides Against Breast Cancer event and I was instantly drawn to her, she was one of the last people I met that evening, but I loved having that one on one time to meet and talk with her about her big day. I was able to hear all about the love of her life and her best friend, and I knew then, that they were the perfect couple for us!

I had been corresponding with Meghann about her Engagement Session for weeks, talking about outfits, and props, and everything in between. She told me that her and Miles had a huge passion for riding their bikes together, so we both thought that that would be the perfect addition to their shoot! And those are some of my favorite photos from their session.

Meghann’s laugh is absolutely adorable, and is completely contagious, we love these types of sessions.

In the midst of our first snow that weekend, we couldn’t have asked for a better night, it was warm, and the light was beautiful, but lets not talk about the tons of mosquito bites that we all received. 🙂

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to preserve your most cherished moments

no awkward poses. No draining photoshoots. just you being you, making beautiful memories. 


colorado & destination

Wedding Photography