I can’t tell you how exciting it is as a photographer to photograph couples who are your ideal clients. We were so pumped when we met Tessie and Adam, they are 100% our ideal clients! 🙂 When we were photographing their engagement session there was literally never a moment when I wasn’t almost in tears from their jokes and Adam’s facial expressions (a little out take to come later on.) Both of them are in the fitness industry, and have so much in common. They are so incredibly in love and you can see it in every photo. They were constantly making each other laugh, I can’t stress how important it is to have fun at your engagement session, and they definitely did. They were able to relax and completely be themselves in front of the camera. We are so excited for the wedding in September.
Now, for the photos 🙂
Another reason we feel it’s so important to have 2 photographers… 🙂 2 different angles on the same moment.
My favorite photo from the session 🙂
He totally looks like Heath Ledger in 10 things I hate about you 🙂
And… The many faces of Adam.
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